Phil Hathaway – Transformational Life Coach

Phil Hathaway: Transformational Life Coach

Set Yourself Free

Insight & Understanding

Insight & Understanding


I’ve helped hundreds of clients for over twenty years. People are my passion; few things are more amazing than witnessing a client ‘wake up’ to lead a thriving life.

Whether you’re struggling in life or gliding along nicely but need a gentle or a more profound nudge, I’m here to guide you.

Many are initially confused about coaching and therapy. In a nutshell, therapy tends to dwell on what’s wrong with you, looking to your past and how the therapist can use their tools to fix you. Coaching looks away from what’s wrong towards what we can create—including peace of mind, less anxiety, a new business idea, better relationships, and even a more profound life experience; the list is endless.

Often, sessions unfold by holding a gentle space where more can remain unsaid than said, where mountains move with a shift in feeling. That said, sessions can be brutal too—where clients might realise something about themselves that would have previously been too delicate to bear scrutiny.

If you’re curious about what it’s like to have someone metaphorically tap you on the shoulder and sit with you as you wake to a more wonderful life, that’s the game I’m in.

Coaching isn’t a science but an art form experienced in real-time. You can read about art all you like, but it will never be like experiencing it in real-time. Look behind the art of coaching, though, and you’ll see it pointing to science, Principles, and truth.

Please note: For the time-being I am unable to to take on new clients. Please feel free to contact me—I’ll be more than happy to refer you if you let me know what it is that you’re looking for. I have worked with some wonderful coaches over the years and I’m more than happy to find the right fit for you.




I’ve helped hundreds of clients for over twenty years. People are my passion; few things are more amazing than witnessing a client ‘wake up’ to lead a thriving life.

Whether you’re struggling in life or gliding along nicely but need a gentle or a more profound nudge, I’m here to guide you.

Many are initially confused about coaching and therapy. In a nutshell, therapy tends to dwell on what’s wrong with you, looking to your past and how the therapist can use their tools to fix you. Coaching looks away from what’s wrong towards what we can create—including peace of mind, less anxiety, a new business idea, better relationships, and even a more profound life experience; the list is endless.

Often, sessions unfold by holding a gentle space where more can remain unsaid than said, where mountains move with a shift in feeling. That said, sessions can be brutal too—where clients might realise something about themselves that would have previously been too delicate to bear scrutiny.

If you’re curious about what it’s like to have someone metaphorically tap you on the shoulder and sit with you as you wake to a more wonderful life, that’s the game I’m in.

Coaching isn’t a science but an art form experienced in real-time. You can read about art all you like, but it will never be like experiencing it in real-time. Look behind the art of coaching, though, and you’ll see it pointing to science, Principles, and truth.

Please note: For the time-being I am unable to to take on new clients. Please feel free to contact me—I’ll be more than happy to refer you if you let me know what it is that you’re looking for. I have worked with some wonderful coaches over the years and I’m more than happy to find the right fit for you.

More Info

More Info

About Phil

Born in 1964 I’m now edging towards 60 – though I still feel as though I’m in my 30s.

I live in London. I keep fit and healthy and cherish nothing more than time spent with my partner and witnessing nature.

I’ve had a very varied career from the Armed Forces in the early 80s to becoming a computer programmer in the mid-80s and finally setting up my own company in 1990, at the age of 26, to work as a freelance computer programmer working all over the UK.

My life took a massive turn in 1995 when I walked away from a successful programming career to follow my life’s dream of opening a gym. So, from scratch, along with my then business partner, we created a large 8000-square-foot commercial gym in central London, which we ran for over 20 years.

Overlapping this, since 2002, I trained and worked as a Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner working from a therapy room I built within the gym.

Ten years later, in 2012, my life took yet another left turn as I stumbled across Transformative Life Coaching. Over a period of five years, I trained in LA with the world-renowned coach, author and trainer, Michael Neill.

We sold the gym in 2015. I’ve since worked full-time as a life coach, working either from home, meeting in beautiful locations throughout London or online via Zoom. 

What's it all about then?

I do not know the specific answers to your everyday problems…


* I do know that the key to unlocking the answers is within you.
* I do know how to help you to rediscover this amazing capacity to rediscover your innate potential.
* I do know there’s an understanding so profound from where the limits on your life can open to effortless change.
* I do know it’s my job to tap into my wisdom to help you to awaken to yours.

*I do know that once you’ve had insight and realised that you can ‘get out of your own way’—your life will shift… for the better.

Whether you’re an individual looking to de-stress, a manager looking to inspire, a team member looking to connect, a business looking to thrive, or a couple looking to reconnect, the answers lie within the potential already there—but we forget we have this capacity.

As Human Beings, we’ve spent thousands of years looking for peace of mind, fulfilment, contentment, joy, well-being, happiness, confidence, connection, creativity, love, and inspiration. And without a doubt, we’ve been looking ‘out there’ into the world at large to bring that search to a fruitful and satisfying conclusion.

But the answers to all that searching do not exist in the places we’ve been looking!!

It’s a simple fact that has taken years for me to see for myself: the “searching” is taking us in the wrong direction. What’s required is “an understanding” of how life works.

Our conversations lead to a deeper understanding of life from where your dreams transform into reality; our conversations are the catalyst for your success story.

I help people see, through their own insightful understanding how life works at a foundational and transformative level. And from that place, life looks different—it has to.

You can awaken to your capacity for well-being, inspiration, connection, creativity, new ideas, joy, and resilience. These things are unbridled and always available but for the misunderstanding of how life works.
When we find that space, that’s where we connect and have insights into life. That’s where we innovate, have new ideas, build beautiful relationships, and discover an ease of ‘being.’

By stopping the incessant searching – our conversations bring about an experience of life far beyond what most people have considered possible.

How do the sessions work?

My aim is always the same: to awaken you to your potential. That might sound like a cheap soundbite, but to me, and I mean this wholeheartedly—there’s nothing I have that you need. My potential and wisdom are worthless to you. What’s important is your wisdom and potential!

All transformation comes from within, and my job as a transformative coach is to point you in a direction so that you awaken and are far more curious about what’s possible.

Sessions are conversational. And by that, I mean you would be hard-pressed to notice a difference between “Phil, as coach” and “Phil, in an everyday casual conversation.” Except, whilst coaching, I’m focused upon one thing—you.

Of course, I’m a professional and believe deeply in the coach/client relationship. But this conversation is human to human and not expert to client. And neither is it a “Pollyanna” type of coaching, although, in writing, I’m aware that’s how it may come across.

These conversations transform lives. And often, that means being pushed to the edge of your comfort zone.

There is no fixed way of joining me in this conversation. We could hire a meeting room, meet at the workplace, a relaxing hotel, or a quiet cafe, walk through one of London’s beautiful parks, or go online via Zoom.

And who is this for? Simply put, if you’re reading this, I assume you’re human. And that’s all that’s needed to qualify.

I prefer not to spell out the typical long list of issues my work can help with because I believe that everyone, no matter their issue or circumstance, can benefit from these impactful and enlightening conversations, no matter their issue or circumstance.

Typically, sessions last 60-75 minutes.

Sometimes, it may become evident that something more intensive might be more appropriate. And that could mean meeting for anything from three hours to three days or even a commitment to a three-month coaching package. Our options are limitless.

On average, I see most clients from three to eight sessions. But, of course, I can’t make that a guarantee.

I do not see my sessions as ‘therapy’ or ‘therapy light.’ We’re not delving into our past to look for causes and something to blame. We’re not attempting to fix ‘personality issues’ or digging around to find a label to stick on your forehead. We’re looking deeper. We’re at the foundations to reshape life from the bottom up. That’s not to say we don’t talk about the past or painful issues! Our sessions can ‘go’ anywhere… with the caveat that the direction is towards truth and you having insight and (much) more freedom.

And, for the record, no matter what you’re going through, our sessions can be fun, too.

My Fees

OK, here’s the tricky bit…

Asking me to give you an exact fee in advance of meeting you is very much like asking a taxi driver how much it costs when you’re unsure of where you want to get to, which route you are going to take and how busy the roads.

There are so many variables involved…

What is it that you’re looking for?

How long will it take?

Should we work online or face-to-face?

If face-to-face, do I need to hire a room or could we work in a hotel or, if the weather’s good, could we take a walk in a park?

How long should the session be?

How much do I want to work with you?

Will you need longer, ongoing support?

How busy am I?

And on it goes…


But what I can tell you  is this:

I always meet potential clients online for free* for about 45 minutes to one hour. I call this a ‘connection session’ where we can get to know one another and I can understand a little more about what’s going on with you. And of course, it allows you to know whether you would like to spend more time with me. This is a 100% no-pressure, no asking you to sign up for anything session! This free session is not a free coaching session… it’s a connection session.

(*If you prefer the ‘free’ connection session face-to-face then my fee is £50 in advance as this takes much more time.)

AFTER the connection session I will then put together a proposal as to how I best think we could work together.

I do not work with anyone for one single session—that just does not interest me nor is it helpful for the client to believe ‘Oh, I want this sorted in one session.’ Or, ‘I’m only prepared to invest in one session.’

Having said all of the above, the fee range that I typically charge is anything from £350 to £3000



Book a free 45-minute 'connection' session
Please note: For the time-being I am unable to to take on new clients. Please feel free to contact me—I’ll be more than happy to refer you if you let me know what it is that you’re looking for. I have worked with some wonderful coaches over the years and I’m more than happy to find the right fit for you.

Testimonial 1.

Lauren: After a period of feeling completely lost, I got in touch with Phil and I am so grateful of the sessions we’ve had since then. I immediately felt understood, listened to and that there was a way back to finding myself again. Over the past 9 months I have made huge changes in my life that I thought were never possible thanks to these sessions – I could not recommend Phil enough!

Testimonial 2.

Karl: I had a fab time with Phil though sadly it was online – would have love to meet him face to face but I’m over in Dublin.

I met with three other coaches before Phil but Phil was the only one who sat with me for an hour free of charge just to see how we could work together.

I’ve been a worrier and a hypochondriac as far back as I can remember. I had six sessions and enjoyed each of them though to be honest I really had my major breakthrough in the second session. Phil is so easy to talk to. It felt as though I’d known him for years. I do still have my worries but as Phil often said – that’s human. But my worries no longer destroy my life as they used to and the hypnochondria has diasappeared altogther. It no longer seem to make sense even when I do it.

Oh – and the sessions were great fun – even when I cried. Highly recommend Phil. Cheers Phil. Hopefully when I’m in London we can have that coffee.

Testimonial 3.

Martin: I have a very strong belief that all of us need professional help at different points in our lives. Our perceptions of the world can leave mental scars and effect how we process things and inevitably there are things you just can’t get through by yourself.

I found myself needing help this year and what I found in Phil I haven’t found anywhere else before. I had been at my greatest lows for the best part of a year, and I got to a point where things were getting better (beginning to overcome an addiction) but I could not move past deep anxiety and a hatred of myself. I met with Phil only a few times but his understanding, perception and view of the world has had a profound effect on me over the last 4 months.

I am immensely grateful for the guidance and different perspective that Phil shared with me and would highly recommend reaching out to him. He is incredibly easy to talk to and open up to. Sessions with him don’t feel overly formal or constrained by the clock.

I have no doubt that life will throw other curveballs at me in the future and I will need help at different points. I can only hope that Phil will be available when it does!

Thank you Phil. For caring, hearing and helping

Testimonial 4:

Alison: I can’t express in words how much I enjoy the sessions with Phil and I feel very lucky to have come across his profile.

I contacted Phil after I felt like I hit rock bottom – my life wasn’t really going in the direction that I wanted and I felt trapped in my hopelessness. Actually, I didn’t have much hope that taking this step was going to help me either – mind you, I am the person who previously stormed out of the traditional therapy room due to not seeing the point of being bombarded with so many personal questions out of a sudden (!)

From the outset, the sessions with Phil were special: his genuineness and warmth made me instantly feel connected and comfortable talking to him (oh, and also, he has an excellent sense of humour!). When I didn’t really know how to express my feelings, Phil somehow always said exactly what I needed to hear – and, without having to dwell on details of painful past experiences or apply “strategies”, our discussions have always gently pointed me in the direction of the answers I was looking for.

Even after the first session, I’ve had the most wonderful feeling of freedom I could imagine – I saw for the first time that being at the mercy of my own thinking was completely optional. The sessions with Phil have since then been eye-opening, insightful and refreshing, with more to learn and more to understand every time. I can barely recognise myself from the message I sent to Phil a while ago – I owe to Phil all that I’ve become in the present.

Phil has given me the courage to embrace all the joys and all the occasional and unavoidable losses or disappointments, the ability to smile in abundance, to allow myself to fall in love with life and be curious and excited for what the next day will bring me and, most importantly, in front of what seems like a scary and uncertain future – the ability to walk lightly through it all.

Phil is a legend and I couldn’t recommend him more!

Testimonial 5:

Emily: Phil was my guardian Angel when I needed one! I have suffered with anxiety since the age of 19. I hit my lowest at the beginning of this year and I didn’t see myself getting any better until I met Phil. He put me at ease from the minute I spoke to him and I knew 10 minutes into speaking with him I wanted him to help me. After only a couple of sessions with Phil I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can happily say I haven’t felt anxious or had a panic attack in nearly 4 weeks.. which is a huge breakthrough for me.
I don’t know how but he makes me feel better every conversation I have with him and I leave every session feeling so much more reassured, relaxed and happier.
I never had “therapy” until I met phil but I would recommend him to anyone and will continue to use him, if & when I ever need him! Thank you for making me feel content again!

Phil Hathaway Coaching

Phil Hathaway Coaching

Please get in touch. I promise to reply to you as soon as I can.

It helps if you let me know:

1. What are you looking for—just briefly.

2. In what way has my profile interested you?

3. Are you committed and willing to make the time, effort and investment?

13 + 12 =

My Book

Read the first few chapters of my book.

Click here: hope-sample-sep

“When our thoughts look real, we live in a world of suffering. When they look subjective, we live in a world of choice. When they look arbitrary, we live in a world of possibility. And when we see them as illusory, we wake up inside a world of dreams.”

Michael Neill.

“When our thoughts look real, we live in a world of suffering. When they look subjective, we live in a world of choice. When they look arbitrary, we live in a world of possibility. And when we see them as illusory, we wake up inside a world of dreams.”

Michael Neill.